Eeva–Riitta Eerola


oil and acrylic on canvas,

115 x 140 cm

acrylic on canvas,

65 x 89 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

140 x 115 cm

oil on canvas,

44 x 43 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

33 x 33 cm

acrylic on canvas,

46 x 43 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

50 x 46 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

160 x 150 cm

acrylic on canvas,

49 x 78 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

140 x 115 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

92 x 74 cm

acrylic on canvas,

33 x 33 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

33 x 33 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

33 x 33 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

50 x 50 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

66 x 50,5 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

90 x 90 cm

acrylic on canvas,

80 x 80 cm

Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary


Photos by Jussi Tiainen

oil and acrylic on canvas,

81 x 73 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

81 x 73 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

100 x 90 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

50 x 46 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

50 x 46 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

43 x 43 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

140 x 105 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

140 x 105 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

140 x 113 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

140 x 115 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

46 x 43 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

33 x 24 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

50 x 46 cm

Works 2021

Photos by Erno Enkenberg and Eerika Malkki

oil on canvas,

88 x 87 cm

oil on canvas,

99 x 89 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

100 x 90 cm

oil on canvas,

81 x 73 cm

oil on canvas,

46 x 43 cm

oil on canvas,

46 x 43 cm

oil on canvas,

22 x 27 cm

Works 2020

Photos by Erno Enkenberg and Jussi Tiainen

oil on canvas,

100 x 90 cm

oil on canvas,

60 x 50 cm

oil on canvas,

150 x 140 cm

oil on canvas,

35 x 27 cm

oil on canvas,

50 x 36 cm

oil and acrylic on canvas,

24 x 22 cm

oil on canvas,

155 x 160 cm

oil on canvas,

137 x 96 cm

oil on canvas,

27 x 35 cm

oil on canvas,

139 x 105 cm

Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary

The Shape of Things to Come

Photos by Erno Enkenberg and Jussi Tiainen

oil on canvas,

150 x 140 cm

oil on canvas,

150 x 160 cm

oil on canvas,

115 x 110 cm

oil on canvas,

28 x 40 cm

oil on canvas,

38 x 30 cm

oil on canvas,

31 x 30 cm

oil on canvas,

130 x 105 cm

oil on canvas,

110 x 100 cm

oil on canvas,

30 x 24 cm

oil on canvas,

70 x 63 cm

oil on canvas,

61 x 54 cm

Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary

Senses of the Other

Photos by Jussi Tiainen

oil on canvas,

150 x 160 cm

oil on canvas,

46 x 46 cm

oil on canvas,

65 x 57 cm

oil on canvas,

65 x 71 cm

oil on canvas,

57 x 57 cm

Figure in a Room

Photos by Jussi Tiainen

oil on canvas,

210 x 200 cm

oil on canvas,

210 x 185 cm

oil on canvas,

210 x 185 cm

oil on canvas,

60 x 130 cm

Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary Helsinki Contemporary


Photos by Jussi Tiainen



A site specific project for Maison Louis Carré
Bazoches-sur-Guyonne, France

Single channel video work (04:52)
Film 16 mm, transferred to 2K, stereo

Written and directed by: Eeva-Riitta Eerola & Jenni Toikka
Characters: Constance Labbé and Florian Spitzer
Camera: Ville Piippo
Shooting location assistant, costumes and make-up: Kaisu Hölttä
Editing: Jenni Toikka
Sound design: Heikki Kossi & Pietu Korhonen / H5 Film Sound
Colorist: Petri Falkenberg / Grade One
Post-production: Grade One

List of the other works included in the exhibition:
Lighthouse (Skin) painted wall
Lighthouse (Passage), 2019, photograph
Lighthouse (View), 2019, ink on paper
Lighthouse (Passage), 2019, photograph
Lighthouse (Passage), 2019, photograph
Lighthouse (View), 2019, ink on paper
Lighthouse (View), 2019, photograph
Lighthouse (Book), 2019, paper cut
Lighthouse (The House), 2019, ink on paper
Lighthouse (Passage), 2019, photograph
Lighthouse (The House), 2019, ink on paper
Lighthouse (View), 2019, ink on paper

Models, 1958-1959 Collection Maison Louis Carré
Installation photos: Lucie Jean, Jenni Toikka

Between the Acts


Photographic Gallery Hippolyte / Studio
Helsinki, Finland

Between the Acts incorporates a video, sculptures and multifarious objects, alongside supportive structures for a custom-built installation within Hippolyte’s Studio space. At the same time, a video camera films the arrangement and projects it as a separate moving image. Perspectives and relationships to the elements shift as the viewer moves inside the room, in contrast to the eye of the camera which perpetually remains static.

Instead of a singular author, all parts interrelate as a result of dialogue – a collaboration where each artist’s words or actions resonate into a reciprocal new action. Elements retain their sketch-like, processual quality, and delicately manage to balance the border of finished and unfinished. Further, through collaborative exploration, shared relationships to modernism, its visual language, and its broader culture manifestations, began to emerge. In the work, for example, this is seen through the questioning of modernity’s view on humanity and its relationship to nature. Topically this narrative weaves its way through various parts of the installation, suffused both consciously and intuitively as a lingering tension. This highlights how we might unknowingly carry with us modernity’s aesthetics and presumptions of a “good life”.

Between the Acts builds inside it different layers of temporality and spatiality. The imaginary border, between inside and outside proposed in the window-esque video piece, wavers as its constructions are slowly disassembled. The temporal delays, and the tension between the moving and the static, guide the viewer in examining the connections between components of the installation. Different forms, elements, and symbols react with each other as the gaze travels in the space between objects and events. All the while there remains a conflict between the viewer’s personal spatial experience and the projected image – uncovering a particular role information mediated by the camera lens has on the construction of reality.

Installation photos: Jussi Tiainen

Double Take


Turku Art Museum / Studio
Turku, Finland

To look at someone or something and then look again because you suddenly recognize him, her, or it or notice that something unusual is happening.

Cambridge dictionary: do a double take

Double Take examines the power of visual information, the reading of images, and the formation of their meaning. The result is a collage study of sorts that combines different media (including painting, video and found objects) – an experience defined by unexpected correspondences.

In addition to the act of looking again, the title Double Take is also a reference to two authors – to the fact that the show is what it is precisely because it was created by two artists working together instead of independently. The phrase also alludes to repeated observation and contemplation, such as when the two artists choose an object or a shape that interests them both and they create variations of it in each other’s medium. The exhibition looks at things and pictures from a variety of perspectives and also juxtaposes them. It poses the question whether this is a method that can be used to challenge existing, established views.

Installation photos: Vesa Aaltonen, Jenni Toikka

Born 1980, lives and works in Helsinki, Finland

Eeva-Riitta Eerola is a visual artist based in Helsinki, Finland. In her paintings, she explores the concept of perception and how we understand and experience images. Abstract and recognizable elements vary in her expression, working in series as well as creating subtly defined links between the works are in the core of her practice.

Eerola graduated from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2010 and has also studied at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris. She has exhibited in several group and solo exhibitions in Finland and abroad. Eerola’s latest solo show, Locus, took place at Helsinki Contemporary in January 2022. Eerola’s work is represented in a number of Finnish art and museum collections, such as those of the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Saastamoinen Foundation, Sara Hildén Art Museum, and the Wihuri Foundation. Eerola also works with Jenni Toikka as an artist duo. For Eerola and Toikka, the collaboration has opened up new possibilities for experimentation and play, apart from their individual practices. Instead of a singular author, all parts interrelate as a result of dialogue - a collaboration where each artist’s words or actions resonate into a reciprocal new action.


2004 – 2010

Finnish Academy of Fine Arts (MFA)


European Exhange Academy, Beelitz Heilstätten, Germany

2006 – 2007

École nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris

2001 –

University of Helsinki

Solo Exhibitions


Locus, Helsinki Contemporary


Artek Helsinki


The Shape of Things to Come, Helsinki Contemporary


Senses of the Other, Helsinki Contemporary


Affective Attunements, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard (with Maija Luutonen), Copenhagen


Becoming, Helsinki Contemporary


Forum Box, Helsinki


Illustrator, Galleria Katariina, Helsinki


Between, Gallery of Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki


Galleria Kapriisi, Kuopio

Eerola & Toikka Collaborations


W Is for Waves, SIC, Helsinki


Chronotop Summer Festival, Vyborg, Russia


Videoveckorna, Sinne, Helsinki


Lighthouse, Maison Louis Carré, Bazoches-sur-Guyonne, France


Between the Acts, Hippolyte Studio, Helsinki


Double Take, Turku Art Museum / Studio

Selected Group Exhibitions


Lust for Life, Helsinki Contemporary


Surface, Purnu Art Center, Orivesi


Selected Works, Helsinki Contemporary


Out of Office, Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere


Kosketus, Sinne, Helsinki and Seinäjoki Kunsthalle


Kosketus, Aine Art Museum, Tornio


Market Art Fair, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm


Ihmisen kuva- teoksia Heinon taidesäätiön kokoelmasta, Kunt, Vaasa


CHART Art Fair, Charlottenburg, Copenhagen


Uusinta uutta, Rovaniemi Art Museum


Remain in Light, Helsinki Contemporary


New Painting from Finland and Sweden, JAUS gallery, Los Angeles


Passion Play, Helsinki Contemporary


Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere


Olotila Ok! Ja muuta uutta taidetta, Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere


MFA Degree Show, Helsinki


EEA08, Final Show, Beelitz Heilstätten, Germany


Art of Basware, Helsinki

Works in Public Collections

Espoo Museum of Modern Art; Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection

Heino Art Foundation

Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art

Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art; Swanljung Collection

Niemistö Collection

Sara Hildén Art Museum

Rovaniemi Art Museum; The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection



FABRIKKEN, Copenhagen


Villa Lante, Rome


Villa Lante, Rome


ISCP, New York


Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris


Väinö Tanner Foundation, Mazzano Romano, Italy


Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris



William Thuring prize / Finnish Art Society

Other Projects


Public work to Vuores, Tampere. Collaboration with Jenni Toikka


Stamps for Finnish Postal Service

Selected Articles and Publications

Inside Eeva-Riitta Eerola' s must-see ‘Locus’ exhibition at Helsinki Contemporary, Susan Hansen, Vogue Scandinavia 13.1.2022

Vanhoihin italialaisiin freskoihin perustuvassa Eeva-Riitta Eerolan näyttelyssä pohditaan freskotaiteen olemusta, Timo Valjakka, Helsingin Sanomat 11.1.2022

Huvuden och händer i renässansinspirerade målningar, Helen Korpak, Hufvudstadsbladet 9.1.2022

Eeva-Riitta Eerolan Locus: Olet tässä, Heini Heikkilä, Taidejulkaisu Totuus, 9.1.2022

Eeva-Riitta Eerola: Turning Point, Sofia Järnefelt, Around Journal 19.3.2021

Lighthouse, exhibition catalogue, article by Taru Elfving, Maison Louis Carré 2019

Eeva-Riitta Eerolan maalauksissa kuva on vasta muodostumassa…, Harri Mäcklin, Helsingin Sanomat 29.8. 2019

Kosketus – maalauksen kokemuksellisuus, Mika Hannula, 2018

Försynt i ett mittemellanland, Camilla Granbacka, Hufvudstadsbladet 18.3.2017

Eeva-Riitta Eerolan maalaukset tuovat katsojalle arjen pieniä aistimuksia, Timo Valjakka, Helsingin Sanomat 14.3.2017

Defining the Abstract, Alexandra Marila, Helsinki Art Guide 10.3.2017

Catalogue, articles by Leevi Haapala and Mika Hannula, Helsinki Contemporary 2016

Affective Attunements, exhibition catalogue, article by Leevi Haapala, Galleri Bo Bjerggaard 2015

Kuin taskulampun valossa, Timo Valjakka, Helsingin Sanomat 6.11.2014

Uusi akateemisuus uhkaa kuvataidetta, Timo Valjakka, Helsingin Sanomat 25.5.2013

Ikuisten aiheiden äärellä, Timo Valjakka, Helsingin Sanomat 10.4.2012

Uuden kultakauden taiteilijat, Katriina Pajari, Helsingin Sanomat, NYT -liite #18 / 2011

Eeva-Riitta Eerola tekee sähköisiä maalauksia, Kaisa Heinänen, Helsingin Sanomat 5.3.2011

Olotila OK! And Other New Art, exhibition catalogue, ed. Virpi Nikkari, Sara Hildén Art Museum 2010

Maalaus peittää ja paljastaa, Kaisa Heinänen, Helsingin Sanomat 6.12.2009

Between: Eeva-Riitta Eerolan teoksia Kuvataideakatemian galleriassa, Silvia Hosseini, 27.11.2009

Oudon vierasta, merkillisen tuttua- Eeva-Riitta Eerolan maalauksia, Silvia Hosseini, 23.5.2009

Konst behöver inte vara nyttigt, Camilla Granbacka, Huvudstadsbladet 18.5. 2009

Yhden hetken lumo, Risto Löf, Savon Sanomat 1.3. 2008

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+ 358 40 838 2076

Represented by
Helsinki Contemporary


